Title: StreetZM.CSBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague 7.1]
Mod: Public
Game: Counter Strike 1.6
Online: Yes
IP Address:
Added: cyborg
Owner: No Owner [ Confirm ownership ]
Site/forum: No
Players: 24/32
Average players (last 12 hours): 0
Average players (last 24 hours): 24
Number of votes: 0
Rank: 242
Nick | Score | Time Played |
VIP = 10 Euro | 0 | 73:55:07 |
wWw.CSBlackDevil.Com | 0 | 73:55:07 |
RAGE OF THE BOY | 0 | 01:20:57 |
Death Knight | 0 | 01:10:03 |
BHSbballer15 | 0 | 02:01:06 |
thunder | 0 | 01:03:19 |
bob | 0 | 00:23:53 |
phobos | 0 | 01:01:07 |
DROP DEAD FRED | 1 | 00:44:10 |
Fat Matt | 0 | 01:45:05 |
Raw | 6 | 00:33:34 |
adid@s | 2 | 00:06:03 |
Tafa | 3 | 00:49:46 |
keselet titik | 0 | 00:06:43 |
Focsaneanu Eduard-Erwin | 7 | 00:06:55 |
StefanStanciu | 7 | 00:07:00 |
crof | 3 | 00:06:16 |
iMvG | 1 | 00:06:30 |
FleshasR | 2 | 00:06:03 |
3dystan__markeloff | 0 | 00:06:12 |
Timere | 0 | 00:00:00 |